AMBITREVO is a company dedicated to waste management, in particular organic waste, which provides added value to the agricultural sector. Since its inception, Ambitrevo Management has had a genuine environmental motivation and concern for the quality of its services, compliance with health and safety regulations and the social responsibility inherent to its activities.
Ambitrevo Management has established an integrated Quality, Environment and Safety and Health and Social Responsibility policy, where it assumes the following commitments:
- Strive to be an organization of excellence and be at the forefront of its sector of activity, investing in innovative processes, investigating and developing new waste management methodologies, such as the use of Geotubes, and promoting research studies in the area of waste management;
- Focusing its activity on the customer, listening to them by assessing their satisfaction and needs, providing technological innovation in the services it provides, expanding reception and installation capacity, maintaining high product quality levels;
- Respond to the needs and expectations of interested parties, relevant to Ambitrevo’s context, including customers, employees, official entities, suppliers and others;
- Comply with applicable legal requirements or other requirements subscribed by Ambitrevo, such as the NP EN ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards;
- Establish, monitor and review objectives aimed at continuous improvement at different levels of the organization, in the quality of services, environmental performance and health and safety at work, recognizing that Quality, Environment, Health and Safety and Social Responsibility are inseparable from the activity from Ambitrevo, contributing to sustainable development;
- Promote strategic environmental management, giving priority attention to environmental aspects with significant adverse impacts, such as the consumption of fossil fuels and the emission of their combustion gases into the atmosphere. Also promote the continuity of the beneficial impacts resulting from the activity, such as soil fertilization and the reduction of carbon release into the atmosphere due to its fixation in the soil;
- Continuously improve its environmental performance, working to prevent pollution, sustainable development, protect biodiversity and ecosystems and mitigate and adapt to climate change, safeguarding natural resources through their efficient use and reuse, when possible;
- Extend demands for improving environmental and safety behavior to partners and encourage increased supplier skills, contributing to greater safety for the organization, customers and suppliers, as well as consolidating its image and reputation as a socially responsible entity;
- Promote and encourage the improvement of employees’ skills in the organization’s relevant areas of activity and the implementation of actions to cohese internal organizational relationships;
- Manage the significant occupational risks of the activity, promoting better health and safety conditions for employees;
- Respect labor legislation and human rights.
Coruche, June 17, 2020