A process of recovery of organic waste that leads to the production of a natural compost, being used as fertilizer and/or organic corrective. This, when it occurs in the presence of oxygen, is called an aerobic biological process, and the decomposition of the organic fraction of the waste is promoted, which results in the formation of the compost, a stable material, similar to humus.
At CIVO, Nutrifolium® is produced, which is a compound subjected to strict control techniques. In the selection of materials, all the characteristics and quantities to be included in the mixture are attested, and each batch is subjected to analysis and carefully controlled, from the latent phase to the maturation phase, thus ensuring its quality.
Agricultural Valuation
Since the beginning of its activity, Ambitrevo It has shown a clear concern in anticipating and complying with the applicable legislation, in order to safeguard public health and the environment. To this end, and under the current legal regime applicable to the agricultural use of sewage sludge, in accordance with Decree-Law No. 276/2009, of 2 October, it stood out in the national market for having several Sludge Management Plans (PGL), approved for various areas of the country.
Ambitrevo also has accredited technicians, with higher education in the areas of Environment and Agronomy, who ensure compliance with the applicable legislation regarding the application of sludge on agricultural and forest soils. They are responsible for controlling the quality of sludge and soil, providing permanent and continuous support to the farmer.
Ambitrevo has developed its activity in strict compliance with the applicable legislation, which establishes the legal regime for the agricultural use of sewage sludge. The Code of Good Agricultural Practices is also one of the main references of the company’s activity.